Monday, August 13, 2007

The Thunder Rolls

I seem to have an abundance of time recently :) Let's review, first, I nearly destroyed my shoulder and had to drug myself up for the better part of week. Then I had to skip out of town for a good friend's wedding (drinking a bit of madeira in the process). So I wake up Thursday, actually through no choice of my own, because frankly we were in the middle of probably the worst thunderstorms I have ever seen or heard. My power finally went out about 8:00 or 8:30 AM and about 10:00, bored out of my skull and with no TV, TiVo, computer/internet or radio, I went over a friend's house a few miles away. Sure enough about 2:30 as the storm continued if not intensified, his power got dinged too and I was back where I started. On Friday morning, with my power still out, I decided to leave my apartment and head for the "sticks", namely my mother's house about an hour away.

The end result no that I have returned to my home is that our "dinner" that we have been featuring in our choosing a wine from a wine list series of posts is becoming the longest dinner in history. Even so, I could't help but mention this article detailing the two upcoming and controversial films about the 1976 Judgement of Paris Tasting, a tasting that I have discussed previously. (I must admit that I was unaware of the two movies until this article was pointed out by Robin Garr, custodian of Robin Garr's Wine Lover's Page, a long running place for me to both learn and interact with wine geeks from around the world.)

I just want to add a small point, have we lost our _______ minds? (Fill in the appropriate adjective of your choice.) So I guess Sideways wins a few awards so now we're going to start making wine movies - in fact two rival wine movies - about a ______ wine tasting? I can just picture it now, thirty years from now, a movie about William Bellomo and I and our friends from Philadelphia cooking appetizers and drinking wine at the old apartment above the Detour (jazz club) in Manhattan.

Judgement at 13th Street

William Bellomo played by David Beckham

Alan Uchrinscko played by Ashton Kutcher

Doug Donovan played by Drew Carey

James Regan played by Ray Liotta

and starring Michael Madrigale played by Danny Devito.

Can't wait. Waterworld here we come...

1 comment:

Y said...

I can envision Mike in the Penguin costume.